Why You Should Serve A Signature Cocktail At Your Wedding?
I felt the need to write my own article after reading an article written by a Wedding Planner that stated why to never serve a signature drink that their wedding. Now, I might be biased since I do sell Signature Drink Signs for weddings, but I wanted to elaborate as to why I think this trend is not going to die down any time soon.
Signature Drink signs are good looking!
Brides and Grooms love the idea of adding a Signature Drink to their wedding. The planner asks "why" to her clients. Why? Because your clients requested it.
Clients find great ideas on Pinterest because where else can you find cute images and themes for weddings? Signature drink signs have been around for a few years now and the trend is not dying down. I see a spike in sales for drink signs in the spring, fall and winter (Christmas parties). I also see a HUGE new trend in Signature Pet Drinks. The bride and groom add their pets to their favorite drinks. More couples are including their pets in their wedding, why not with their signautre drink?!
Why, yes it is my Go to Drink!
Everyone does have a "go to" drink at one time or another. I have one. I LOVE dirty martinis. But I also enjoy trying new drinks or creative drink selections. Having a signature drink at your bar gives your guests two or three selections to easily choose from. The same way local bars have "Drink Specials". Plus, your guests get to know the bride and groom just a little bit more. People don't bypass the beautiful sign, but ask, "Where did you get the sign from?". I have new customers from guests at weddings requesting their own drink sign.
Guests will try a Signature Drink.
I worked for American Heart a few years ago and we hosted the Heart Ball and Go Red for Women events. Guess what? They had signature drinks at both events! I saw guests trying the drinks and enjoying them. The drinks had little tags on them with the drink name and who "hosted the event". Signature Drinks are not just for weddings.
I have clients reuse their drink signs for parties with friends and families. You can also create a keep sake and frame your drink sign in your home bar. Hmmmmm.....I can reuse my drink sign?
Those cute names are Fun and Creative!
If you choose to have a "special drink made" or you "rename" your drink, make sure the ingredients are listed. This will help your guests decide if they will enjoy your drink or not. I enjoy seeing the FUN names brides and grooms use for their drink signs. The process is not confusing, if you make it easy for your guests. Most guests will know what that drink is. Selecting a drink image from creative designers can also help your guests get an idea of what the drink will look like before ordering. It also creates a memorable name for guests and can easily order again.
You're spending money on YOUR wedding
The writer state that "Your spending your money all wrong" and adding a signature drink is an added cost. Not if you're smart with your drink selections!
If you are on a budget, I would suggest a signature drink that has two-three ingredients. Such as Jack and Coke, Vodka and Lemonade or a French 75. Easy drinks that most guests will enjoy and won't break the bank. Well drinks or mixed drinks with a few common ingredients can create several drink selections!
Beer and wine are low cost selections as well and I've seen grooms use their favorite beer as a signature drink. There are no "written rules" to weddings any more. Weddings are expensive, so brides and grooms are looking for ways to cut costs. Formal weddings are a thing of the past. There are more backyard weddings, barn wedding or weddings at your local park, than a huge elegant reception at a hotel ball room.
It can be memorable moment.
I want my clients happy. That's my number one goal when I design drink signs. Wedding planners, whom I've worked with many times, need to also make sure their clients wedding is memorable. This is all about creating a fun and beautiful wedding. Time and time again, I get excited brides and grooms that can't wait to display their signs. Will it make a HUGE impression? Maybe. You have to remember, this is for the bride and groom, not what the guests think. Most guests won't remember the first dance song or what was served at dinner. This is about the Bride and Groom and they will remember.
Wedding trends are just that, trends
Trends will come and go. I see it all the time with designing wedding invitations. Each year there's a new trend. Go with your heart and do what makes you happy. Work with vendors who don't question your decisions but help you make smart ones that fit your budget and creates a memorable wedding. If you want a drink sign at your wedding, then Do It!
I will be happy to help design your special drink sign!! :)
Jennifer Clark
Sugar and Spice Invitations